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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  February 28, 2013 7:00am-9:00am PST

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measures. >> yesterday an emotional plea from a father of a newtown massacre victim. >> it's hard to be here today. i have to i'm his voice. bloomberg news is reporting caroline ken 50nedy is the top contender to be the u.s. ambassador to japan. you'll see how he put up a pretty good fight. >> all that. >> look out. look out. and a push! the rockets. >> if you get a good night's sleep you have better sex. >> is that a problem? >> all that matters. >> "washington post" bob woodward has been calling out the administration for days now. he also said the white house has pushed back hard in response to what he wrote. >> it was said very clearly, you will regret doing this. on "cbs this morning." >> a 114-year-old woman in japan is now officially the world's oldest woman. >> this was exciting news for
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the world's second oldest woman, steven tie cler! welcome to "cbs this morning." gayle king is off. pope benedict is resigning in just a few hours. he's stepping down with promises to obey his successor. >> the pope met once last time with the college of cardinals one of those men will be the next leader of 1.2 billion roman catholics. allen pizzey is in vatican city to begin our coverage of the pope benedict's farewell. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. by the time evening begins to fall over rome benedict will be looking down at the vatican from a helicopter. three hours later he will no longer be pope and the politicking to find the new one can begin in earnest. in one of his final acts inside the vatican, pope benedict said good-bye to the cardinals. 67 of whole he had elevated to their position as the prince of the church.
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addressing what he called the future pope among you, benedict programs ed promised his unconditional reverence and obedience, among those making the list although a long shot is u.s. cardinal timothy dolan. in an interview cardinal dolan reflected on what kind of man will emerge as pope. >> all the other things where they're from languages they know leadership skills managerial competency, that's gravy, isn't it? but, boy, you better look for somebody who reminds us of jesus, which in a way, allen, is another word for you are looking for a holy man. >> reporter: benedict was widely seen as a great teacher and a less-than-efficient manager of the vast church bureaucracy. >> is not the big problem the next pope will face is cleaning up the church? >> sadly, sadly, sadly, sadly, we leaders of the church and that's why we say mea culpa through my fault all the time sadly, tragically we leaders of the church have often given people reasons not to have trust
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in the church anymore. >> reporter: a major reason why is the sex abuse scandal which several of the cardinals, dolan included, have been accused of trying to cover up. so will it feature in the conclave deliberations? >> it should certainly should have a bearing when we do an examination of the church's conscience that should have a bearing, right? in other words what ways is not the church reflecting jesus christ and that would be a big way. >> reporter: how much of a bearing it had on benedict's leaving office will never be known. benedict bbwill be barred from making public statements but it's widely held his successor may take advantage of having a former pope living close by to consult and perhaps have sympathy for the job he's taken on. >> thanks. with us in studio 57 chester gillis he's a theology professor, and he joined us the morning when we were stunned
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with the news and greg burke, a vatican media adviser. good morning. mr. burke, will we see or hear will we hear, from pope benedict again? >> well we'll hear from pope benedict probably this evening when he arrives at castel gandolfo. he is scheduled to go to the balcony there. there's a courtyard outside the palace, the summer palace where he often goes in the summer to greet people as well so i expect he will say some words there because they're obviously going to be people gathered. it won't be long but he'll certainly say something to them. after that once he comes back here, he will grow to the monastery and it's know coincidence it's a monastery/convent. he does expect to retire from view. we may be able to get photos of him walking in the garden but i don't think we'll hear a lot from pope benedict. >> the first thing the college of cardinals will do after the resignation? >> the first thing is he'll meet and they'll make a decision whether or not they'll move things up. there's been a lot of talk about
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whether the conclave starts on the 15th. it has to start by then. the actual voting of the conclave, or whether they can move it up a few days. to tell the truth that does not make a huge amount of difference. it's more a problem for the journalists to tell you the truth, looking for hotel rooms and knowing when to come in terms of the cardinals -- >> indeed. but do you expect it to be moved up to maybe the 10th? >> i'm still saying smart money is 10th or 11th but that's a 50/50 call. >> okay. >> denan gillis i want to ask you about what happens next. what's interesting to me pope benedict will retire himself today. he'll calml himself emeritus pope. he'll still wear white and after the summer residence he'll return to the vatican and he'll live there and share the same aide as the new pope. doesn't that raise concerns about whether he'll live a private life or have influence over the new pope? >> i don't think he'll have
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influence over the new pope but it's clear that the pope never leads a private life he said that yesterday. and sharing the arch bishop with the new pope will have some upsides and with the new pope he'll be able to introduce him to the schedule the rigorous schedule of the pope and the rigors of the vatican. >> but this is unprecedented to have two popes living in vatican city. >> everything about this is unprecedented, and somewhat making up as they go along. >> uh-huh. >> there's no question about it. there's no rules for this. >> yeah. >> we've talked about age and geography and a whole lot of other issues facing the church in terms of the selection of a new pope. there are other things too, that you clearly believe will be factors. what are they? >> i don't think simply it will be age or geography, there are certain requisite skills one is management skills which has been said by cardinal dolan, for example, very necessary at this time in the church. linguistic skills a person has to be fluent in italian and english minimally to be able to
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run such an international organization. spirituality will be something that the cardinal will be looking for, is this a man of the gospel and lastly -- >> meaning that cardinals are not mean of the gospel? >> they are. but some have a deeper spirituality than others and it's evident to them and the other is the territory theological disposition which i think will be relatively conservative with this group of cardinals so there's a continuity between the last two popes and this one and i think those will be criteria as much as geography. >> it's a historic way to see the pope retire in this way, and you are in charge of the media operation there, cameras everywhere, including so we can see the pope on the helicopter as he leaves right? >> that's right. yeah, no it obviously is truly historic and from our point of view upstairs it's sort of bittersweet, you know, it's sad to see the pope go. on the other hand, you can see that he's very relieved. he's calmer than he's ever ever been with his decision. and it's a great -- it's a great
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act of humility and of courage on his part. so the uncertainty is like the uncertainty every time there's not a pope but in terms of watching him go there's a lot of relief for him and i'd say we're very happy to see him so relieved. >> greg burke and chester gillis thank you so much. cbs news will bring you a special report on the pope's departure from the vatican at 7:45 this morning pacific time here on cbs. there is another countdown that is nearly over with just one day left massive automatic government spending cuts are about to start. the poison pill meant to force a budget deal isn't working. bill plante is at the white house. bill good morning. >> reporter: good morning and good morning out west. well, if you were hoping that there might be a last-minute save forget it. in the next few hours the white house will bring out yet another cabinet secretary to talk about how badly services will be hurt if the cuts go through. the president is going to meet with the house speaker and senator mitch mcconnell tomorrow, but that's the same
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day that he's required to sign the order for the budget cuts. with time running out, the president warned business leaders in washington wednesday night that the sequester will eventually hit them too. >> this is not a cliff. but it is a tumble downward. this is going to be a big hit on the economy. >> reporter: the president has until midnight friday to sign an order putting the $85 billion automatic across-the-board cuts into effect. those cuts will include $46 billion from the pentagon's budget, friday's meeting with speaker boehner and senator mcconnell at the white house is expected to come before the president signs the order. >> ladies and gentlemen, the statue of rosa parks. >> reporter: on wednesday mr. obama talked briefly with both republican leaders during a ceremony unveiling a statue of rosa parks on capitol hill. caught in this photo, it's the first time they met in face to face since december. in a last-ditch scramble
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democrats and republicans in the senate have crafted legislation to avoid the cuts but both bills are expected to die later today. >> when they put forward gimmicks instead of negotiating serious spending cut solutions, americans feel like they're not being listened to. >> reporter: dire warnings from agencies and departments about the negative effects of the sequester have continued, but republicans question whether the warnings are justified. last sunday on cbs' "face the nation" education secretary arne duncan said this -- >> there are literally teachers now who are getting pink slips, who are getting notices, they can't come back this fall. >> reporter: but when pressed wednesday during a meeting duncan conceded he knew only one county nationwide whether there have been notices and -- >> whether it's all press related, i don't know. >> reporter: and as it turns out those notices were not sequester related. despite the dire warnings nothing much will happen right away when the cuts go into effect. but both the president and republicans are betting that it's the result of the cuts
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begin to be felt over the next few months the public will blame the other side. charlie, norah? >> bill plante thanks. and in washington john dickerson, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie. >> about the impact of a sequester and these cuts is it being hyped too much? will it be less than the president and his team are saying? >> reporter: well, you know, "the washington post" caught arne duncan in an exaggeration about the effects and the polls so have shown the president with the upper hand in the debate with the republicans but it won't very long with that kind of thing. and even beyond that getting the budget on a solid path requires convincing people to avoid future calamity. and that will be hard when people can't believe the warnings. >> and bob woodward of the. is accusing the white house of threatening him after he called the white house last week and said he'd write this piece that obama was involved in creating
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the sequester and told bob woodward that he would regret this claim. his obama crossing the line or is this part and parcel of what happens with journalists in the white house? >> reporter: it depends on what they mean by the word "regret." i've had white house officials say you will regret it meaning you'll regret saying something in public because you'll look dumb. that's different than saying you'll regret it because we'll destroy you. the white house can challenge the reporter on the facts. it's not okay to attack a reporter's character or say he's past his prime or otherwise slime him and there's a whiff of that here. >> and, you know, woodward makes the point in his piece that it was -- and this is the whole beginning of this whole dustup between the white house and woodward it was the obama idea the white house idea to create this sequester and woodward says that obama's moving the goalposts because the original deal would include no new tax revenues. this part is significant, isn't it? >> reporter: yes. and it's a little difficult to follow the bouncing ball. there have been two clashes with woodward. the president tried to suggest his team had not been the one to come up with the sequestration
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idea. that was disingenuous. republicans voted for it but it was a white house idea and woodward nailed him on it. this latest fight is about something different. the white house has a stronger case. sequestration was not designed to be law as we know. it was a poison pill as you called it it was designed to be a gruesome penalty to get lawmakers to focus on the issues of taxes and spending. when woodward talks about the makeup of sequestration saying the gruesome penalty wasn't supposed to increase tax increases the white house has a case when they say that's not relevant to the key problem everyone is trying to solve. the key problem has been try to avoid se question avoid sequestration. republicans don't like it but some of whom indeed have talked about taxes as part of the solution. glpt way it was described to me it was sort of something hanging over both sides to force them to change things but it hasn't which is incredible right? >> reporter: right. the whole cliche nothing focuses
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mind like a hanging. what they decided to do was come up with a hanging but we're having a huge debate about the rope and not the thing to avoid the hanging. >> what's the conventional wisdom as to who will get the most blame if it, in fact, happens what you referred to earlier? >> reporter: the polls show the president has the upper hand that the republicans will be blamed. people are not only set to blame republicans, but also they prefer the president's mix of tax increases and spending reductions. that's the way the polls look now, but we'll see how they look when people start feeling the real bite of this thing. >> and that influences how tough you negotiate. thank you so much, john. the u.s. is announcing unprecedented support syrian rebel fighters. we're learning how much money will go toward the battle to bring down the assad regime. margaret brennan is in vatican city. margaret, good morning. >> reporter: again, morning to you, charlie and to norah. secretary of state john kerry announced that for the first time the u.s. will directly aid
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the rebels who are trying to oust assad from power. the u.s. will not provide weapons. it will not provide soldiers. it will give food and medical supplies and pledged millions of dollars so the syrian opposition can begin to provide security and govern liberated parts of syria. >> so today, on behalf of president obama who has been very clear about the stakes in syria, i'm proud to announce that the united states of america will be providing an additional $60 million immediately in nonlethal assistance to support the coalition in its operational needs day to day. >> reporter: al qaeda affiliates have established controls of cities inside syria. the u.s. wants the opposition to counter the threat. european countries are considering giving military support like night vision goggles and body armor, some of the gulf countries are providing
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weapons. but at this point, the rebels say this assistance while badly needed is not what it has asked for in terms of building an army to end this terrible two-year war. charlie? >> interesting news this morning, margaret brennan, thank you. and the senate judiciary committee is pex edexpected to vote on gun control measures. during a hearing yesterday, senator lindsey graham asked the police chief of milwaukee why gun sale laws already on the books aren't enforced. that sparked this exchange -- >> senator the purpose of the background checks -- >> how many cases have you made -- >> do you know what it doesn't matter. it's a paper thing. what if i want to stop -- i want to finish the answer. i want to stop 76,000 people from buying guns illegally, that's what a background check does. if you think we're going to do paperwork prosecution, you're wrong. >> roughly 80,000 people failed background checks every year. most law makers agree a ban on
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assault weapons faces a tough fight in congress. time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. "the washington post" says conservatives on the supreme court strongly suggest part of the voting rights act is outdated. it requires southern states with a history of discrimination to get the federal government's permission before changing election laws. the financial times says there'sthere's a crackdown on bankers. it caps the bonuses given to bankers at twice their salary. "the wall street journal" says natural gas production in the united states is expected to grow over the next 30 years. new research by the university of texas looks at 15,000 wells used for frark ingtrack ing fracking it pumps chemicals underground to release the gaks.s. at the height of the cold war, the 23-year-old from east texas traveled to moscow and won the first
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our weather looking good today. couple of clouds outside right now otherwise, we are going to see plenty of sunshine. yeah, over coit tower you can see the clouds streaming overhead but the cloud cover is keeping the temperatures up to start out the day. most of those numbers running in the 40s and the 50s right now. by the afternoon, we are enjoying some sunshine and still a few passing clouds but 60s even some 70s. i think warmer tomorrow. that will be the peak of the heat. then partly cloudy, cooler over the weekend. better chance of rain next tuesday. >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by the makers of zyrtec. zyrtec. love the air.
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lawmakers fail to stop automatic budget cuts. these voters say congress is failing, period. give me a word to describe congress. >> liars. >> detached. >> unfair. >> crazy. >> more strong words from democrats and republicans. how congress should answer them. plus she's a big name in nashville and hollywood, but how about washington? ashley judd hasn't even announced she's running but she's already in the middle of a nasty campaign. you'll see what judd is saying about a tax on mitch mccomennells wife. that's ahead on "cbs this
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morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by green mountain coffee. brew a better day. everything's better with a great cup of coffee. exceptionally smooth with a harmonious blend of flavor and aroma. green mountain coffee for your keurig brewer. brew a better day. chili's lunch break combos start at just 6 bucks. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks at chili's. add a pop of color to your everyday look. new almay intense i-color bold nudes. a neutral palette with a pop of color that makes my green eyes stand out. and there's one for every eye color. why let constipation slow you down? try miralax. mirlax works differently than other laxatives. it draws water into your colon to unblock your system naturally.
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prevacid 24 hour. want younger looking eyes that say wow? with olay, here's how. new regenerist eye and lash duo. the cream smooths the look of lids... softens the look of lines. the serum instantly thickens the look of lashes. see wow! eyes in just one week with olay. why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. today tastes so good. you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ ♪ [ female
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announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. you real, real >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald. good morning, 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat. let take a look at news headlines now. some santa cruz police officers may take some more time now off to mourn the two officers who were gunned down on tuesday. later this morning, the department will have more information about the killings. merrill grant out as superintendent of the brentwood schools. the board voted 4-1 last night to fir him after parents complained about him. a special mass to honor the pope is planned at 8:00 this morning at st. mary's cathedral here in san francisco. in about a half hour from now,
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we'll have special cbs coverage of the pope's abdication. >> ahead we have traffic and weather after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] now's the time to save 5% off every day with your lowe's consumer credit card.
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good morning. we have a couple of slow spots still out there including in palo alto. if you are coming down southbound 101, there is one lane blocked due to a likely injury crash. 280 is moving at the limit. caltrain still experiencing delays. they had to take train 104 out of service. train 206 is picking up the slack. bart is on time. that's traffic. for your forecast, here's lawrence. >> a little mild around the bay area this morning elizabeth a few more clouds making their way across our skies this morning but high pressure overhead. this system just riding right over the top of that ridge so making for a neat sunrise today. 40s and 50s right now. by the afternoon a lot of sunshine and still a couple of clouds, 60s and 70s even warmer for tomorrow. then we cool off partly cloudy
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over the weekend. ooh kfc. hey, you're supposed to wait for everybody. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. go on buddy. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ son ] are you even looking for me? i am looking! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded big bites of premium breast meat seasoned in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. [ son ] dad? [ male announcer ] today tastes so good.
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so i didn't know that i had been invited to cree packsee pack until i saw it two days ago. yeah apparently i hadn't been invited. listen. i wish them the best. if they don't want to invite me that's their call. if anyone doesn't want to invite me to speak, that's their prerogative. i wish them the great. i can't sweat the small stuff. i've got a state to rebuild. i can't sweat the small stuff. >> the governor handled. >> what's interesting, i can't
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sweat the small stuff like see cpac is small. >> he used to be a darling. >> i think a lot of people are distressful of chris christie. in the polls he's in the 70s. welcome to "cbs this morning." without a budget cut the budget cut starts tomorrow. >> he wanted to learn what they think about the newest case of washington gridlock. exactly half the group voted for president obama, the other half voted for mitt romney. >> give me a word to describe congress. >> liars. >> detached. >> snakes. >> corrupt. >> narcissistic. >> corrupt. >> yeah corrupt. >> hypocrites. >> quagmire. >> scatter brained. >> shiesters. >> i don't hear a single positive come meant nothing
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among democrats and rupps. >> you know we vote them in and we're supposed to represent them but obviously on both sides of the tablt no one's getting represented. >> do they -- >> they don't care because they're doing their own thing. they're not listening to the people. >> if they were watching you they would say they care deeply which is why they don't -- >> disagree. >> one side is blaming the other. the situation is we have now, the fiscal cliff, all this stuff, that's why nothing's getting done because everyone's fighting. there's no cooperation. >> what do you want from them? you said you want resolution. >> cutting out congressional salaries cutting out the fat. >> the fat? >> it's a surplus of grab. pardon milan garage.y language. >> as a middle-class american i thought i had my hands tied
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behind my back living paycheck to paycheck living dede unable to stimulate the economy. >> i don't know what i'm giving up. i feel like i'm giving up already. i can't spend like i used to. what more are we giving up. >> health care welfare, what about the wars we're still paying for. >> why are we so spread out in the world? >> another thing, the senate in four years has not passed a budget which is against the law, and that's absurd we have to live within our means. why doesn't congress? >> you all make me depressed. i want a show of hands. two simple questions. how many of you overall, overall have a better quality of life than your parents did when they were your age. virtually everyone in this room. now, tell me the truth. how many of you believe that your kids' quality of life will be better than yours when they
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get to be your age? less than half of you. >> absolutely. >> why not? >> back in the '80s it could have been a two parent household, one parent working supporting a family. nowadays it years two paints to work full time to support a household of four. when my children get older, who knows. >> this is your chance. if you could speak to every mem of the house, the house, the senate, the president of the united states, what would you tell them right now in two sentences or less for how they should act how they should behave for the rest of this year? >> they need to start making a huge reform in our government or else there might be a revolution on the way. >> that's pretty strong. >> they're going pay. they're going to pay as well as we are. >> we live in a household on a budget. so should you. >> stop the political posturing and everybody has to give up something on each side.
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>> i think they need to take a walk in an individual's life and see what's going on in a life and not physically hearing it and thinking they can fix it on paper. >> if you're a lifetime politician, resign because you failed. >> what happened to the land of opportunity? everybody here feels like that's not america anymore. >> get us back to living the american dreechlt get us back there. >> frank luntz is with us from capitol hill. good morning, frank. so if a member of congress was listening to this what would you say they should say or do? >> they had better stop with the excuses and start with the action. and there's such frustration, such anger. charlie, it's getting harder and harder do these focus groups because if you really listen to them it's that painful. congress has to find a way to negotiate with the president and quite frankly the white house has to find a way to give with congress. >> but it appears, frank, both sides, the white house,
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congressional republicans and democrats have agreed it won't cost them go ahead with the sequester because that's where we're going. >> the issue is not just the sequester. the american people want spending cuts. they don't want to see their taxes go up. but in the end all they really want is solutions and the problem is that the democrats and republicans can't seem to find any common ground at all and that's what the americans want. >> that's kind of the deal. that's exactly what the sequester is. massive spending cuts and no new revenue. that's what they want even though there's military cuts and obama doesn't get what he wants which is new revenues. >> and so the public would say, give something to obama, give something to the republicans in congress and just get it done now. >> frank, thank you for joining us. we're pleased you'll be with us for another year. >> thank you, charlie. actress ashley judd seems
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closer to a run against mitch mcconnell in kentucky. >> already the unofficial campaign is on and it's getting rough on both sides. jan crawford is live. good morning. >> good morning. there's more than a few signs that ashley judd could be running for the seat. it almost sounds like a movie. and even though she said norah, the election is a while away nearly two years away there's already a lot of drama. ashley judd knows politics in hollywood. now she's finding out how it's done in washington. >> ashley judd an obama-following radical liberal. >> earlier this month american cross roads released a web spot that poked fun at president obama. it was the group's answer to speculation judd may run againstky senator mitch mcconnell who's vying for a sixth term. judd hasn't officially announced
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her candidacy but a recent move suggests she's seriously considering it. >> she had a meeting last week with donors in louisville and she plans to talk with governor steven brashear. she's checking all the box when someone is seriously considering running. >> supporters believe she could raise cash and energize voters but there is one problem. while she has roots in kentucky she doesn't actually live in the state. it was a point mccomennell made clear in the ad. >> mitch mcconnell is a practiced veteran campaigner. he's known for take nothing chances. >> two weeks ago it got personal when there was a tweet. it read this woman has the ear of senator mcconnell.
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she's his wife. may explain why your job moved to china. after much backlash the group deleted the comment and apologized. judd herself tweeted attacks or comments on anyone's ethnicity are wrong and patently unacceptable. >> karl rove's stupid ad made ashley judd hot now everybody's talking about her. now he does make a point. we are talking about her. tomorrow she'll be in d.c. which, of course means more talks. a new study could change the way doctors treat psychiatric disorders. we'll look at five well known conditions and how they may be linked to one another. ahead, a portrait of john [ male
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this is a cbs news special report. i'm scott pelley at cbs news headquarters in new york. good morning. we're about to witness something that none of us has ever seen, a pope heading into retirement. benedict xvi becomes the first pope to step down as spiritual leader of the world's 1.1 billion catholics the first in 600 years. he shocked the world two weeks ago when he announced that he will no longer be well enough to carry out the responsibilities of his office. the pope has been meeting this morning at the vatican with the cardinals who have gathered to bid him good-bye in rome. there is the video of the pope meeting with the cardinals
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earlier today. and we have a number of live pictures around st. peter's square. this is the area where the pope will be departing very shortly. we're expecting to see him here in just a few minutes. this is the san de maso courtyard. there you see the swiss guards there waiting for the pope to leave san de maso. he will go a short distance to the vatican helipad. he will be boarding a helicopter there to take off for the pope's summer residence only about 15 miles away where he will remain for several months as the college of cardinals will then begin their deliberations on selecting a new pope. norah o'donnell, the co anchor of cbs this morning has been following this story all morning long.
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norah, you were following the pope's good-bye ceremonies with his college of cardinals. >> that's right, scott. this is the last day of his pontificate. he spent the day with more than 100 cardinals who are going to choose his successor. i spoke with cardinal george of chicago who said it was a very emotional moment as they greeted him, kissed his ring and he said that there was a moment of deep respect and gratitude. he said that the pope appeared joyful and relaxed on this final day. now as the pope retires, it begins this period of what they kade sede vacante empty seat. next week they will begin a general congregation. as one catholic scholar said to me that's the equivalent of our political convention. not the big speeches where they will talk and if they come to some agreement early, it could be a short conclave. >> we have a spectacular view of st. peter's ba silica.
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probably the best view of the architecture. he will leave the palace and be driven to the helicopter which will fly him to the italian town of castel gandolfo in the hills outside rome. the papal retreat where popes have spent summers for many centuries. he will stay there until his retirement home is ready, and that will be a former monastery behind st. peter's basilica there in the vatican. our cbs rome news correspondent alan pizzey is in st. peter's square awaiting the pope's departure. alan? >> reporter: good afternoon, scott. the pope spent the morning talking to his staff. when he met the cardinals the vatican said there were 144 of them present there. obviously there are only 115 who are eelectorselectors. many of them are retired cardinals, retired from the business of electing a pope because they're over 80. one of them actually told
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benedict a joke and there were roars of laughter. it's interesting to note that of the 115 who are eligible to elect a new pope, their average age is 71 years 11 months. that's four months, on average older than the ones who elected benedict. they come from 50 different countries. there are a lot of characteristics, a lot of problems represented. one of the cardinal electors is cardinal timothy dolan of new york. earlier today he told us what kind of a man the cardinals will be looking for in a new pope. >> what type of man does it have to be? >> very interesting. very interesting alan. i have heard, again, my older brothers who have been at this a lot longer than i have, i've only been a cardinal a year, you were here i think, when i was, but i hear them say, you know what, the last 30 years or so we have thought that managerial skills were less than important for a pope, that instead of a
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manager, we needed an evangelist and a worldwide pastor and we got that with john paul who also, by the way had pretty good managerial skills. we got with pope benedict xvi a brilliant mind and ability to teach and preach. now i hear some of my brother cardinals say, but we should also look for somebody with some pretty good managerial skills to bring the roman curia as an agent of evangelization and not to -- so if that means some type of renewal, if that needs some type of attention, so be it. >> reporter: as one cardinal put it to me scott, there's so many things needed in the new pope that it would be almost impossible to find it all in one man, but they do know that they need to deal with the mess that is the roman catholic curia at the moment, the church governance and also the ongoing problem of the sex abuse
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scandal. that is going to weigh heavily on the new pope scott. >> alan thank you very much. the banner that we see there says pope benedict thank you and we love you. the people that we saw gathering outside the papal apartments in san de maso courtyard are some of the folks who have worked for the pope the household staff who have cared for him during his rein. there at the bottom of the picture you can just seen or you could just see the helipad of the vatican where the pope will be departing very shortly. mark phillips our veteran overseas correspondent, is in st. peter's square this morning. mark, what do you see in terms of the turnout? >> reporter: the turnout is not huge. i think it's fair to say the multitudes are not gathering here to see pope benedict off. in fact, the big public gathering, of course was here yesterday during his weekly audience here where there were tens, even hundreds of thousands
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of people gathered in the square. there might be two reasons why in fact, the crowds here are not huge. perhaps as they look out over the square perhaps a few hundred, perhaps a thousand, perhaps a few more. those are what we know about pope benedict xvi. he was not a great charismatic pope able to gather huge crowds about the way his predecessor john paul ii was so famous for doing. also because there hasn't been an event like this in six centuries, nobody really knows what to expect or how to behave. there's no great show scheduled for here on the great square of st. peter's for this departure. that will all take place within the grounds of vatican city that are not open to the public. people may have thought it was just as well to watch at home on tv rather than come out here. it is thought that perhaps contrary to tradition when the pope flies out to castel
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gandolfo which he does on a regular basis to go to the out of town residence, it can get hot here in rome especially in the summer, usually the helicopter flies straight from the vatican gardens area where the helipad is out to castel gandolfo out to the hills of rome. this time we're anticipating that the flight will in fact take one last turn much as presidential departures do from the white house, one last wave, if you will to the faithful here. this is very much in keeping to the kind of pope benedict xvi has been. a respected man, very cerebral man, thoughtful man, but not a man to gather huge crowds around him just for the sake of seeing it. >> mark, thank you very much. well as the minutes wind up on the rein of benedict xvi, we are looking at a picture of san
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d damaso courtyard. this is the palace. you can see the swiss guard there below waiting for the pope to walk out. something that we are expecting in a little under ten minutes. as we continue to watch this scene, let's bring in monseigneur anthony figueredo who is the director of the pontifical north american college which is located there in rome. monseigneur, what was the significance -- well here's the pope now as we're seeing the pope coming out of the papal amounts. as we watch this scene, what was the significance monseigneur, of the pope's final message to the cardinals? >> i think the holy father really wanted to assure the world we are losing a father we call the pope, the holy father, and so this is a very sad moment for us as priests, as roman catholics. he wanted to reassure us he keeps telling us constantly i'm not abandoning the church. the pope has never felt alone in his papacy and he wanted us also
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to feel the same. so i think he really wanted to comfort the world and also to assure the cardinal electors this morning that god will raise up a good pope able to take the reins of the church able to evangelize the world in front of pressing questions. many people have those questions. the cardinals are meeting already and they're beginning to discuss who will that man be. i think the pope himself really wants the cardinals to elect a man who can delve into the difficulties that the curia is facing at this moment. >> monseigneur figuerdo, thank you very much. let's listen in for a moment as we see the pope exiting the papal apartments as he will walk into san damaso courtyard and be greeted by his household staff.
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[ applause ]
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the pope making his final good-byes. those assembled kissing the ring of the fisherman on the pope's right hand as you saw right there. it is the symbol of his authority in the papacy. it is a ring that he will be
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giving up a little bit later today, a ring that will be destroyed as a new ring is made for a new pope with a new pope's chosen name. [ applause ] one of the cardinals saying good-bye to the pope was cardinal bertone any who is the camerlengo. he will be essentially in charge of the administration of the church during the period of time that the seat of the pope is vacant. we have deallia gallagher with us as well. this is going to be a very short trip, delia.
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they're just driving out to the vatican helipad which is 300 yards from st. peter's basilica. what are you thinking? you knew cardinal rat ratzinger? what do you think he will be like in retirement? >> i think it's a good-bye which is very understated in keeping with the character of the man. certainly he didn't want too much fanfare for his radical a decision as he has made. it strikes me that probably in a few days a few weeks' time certainly as we have a new pope it will seem normal to have a pope emeritus. that is my understanding of the man, that he does intend to live hidden from the world and that he does intend to give plenty of space and plenty of freedom to the new pope. >> delia, thank you very much.
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norah o'donnell is here with us in new york. norah, who is in the car with the pope as he travels out to the helipad? >> inside the car with pope benedict is monseigneur george ganswane who is his most trusted secretary and personal aid. here's something interesting. archbishop gershwane is somewhat of a celebrity in his own right. he will be living with benedict at the monastery at the vatican. he will be keeping his day job as the prefic of the new household. his most trusted aid will also serve the new pope. pope benedict becomes pope emeritus he will wear the white casa. you heard pope benedict try to make clear that he pledges his obedience to the new pope. >> as the pope drives by the
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central administration bhulduilding of the vatican he will be reaching the helipad very shortly. he will remain pope until about 2:00 eastern time. he will already be at castel gandolfo at the time he relinquishes his authority. we mentioned a moment ago the ring on his right hand, the ring of the fisherman. it is, of course a depiction of saint peter, who was a fisherman before he became an apostle of christ and the ring has benedict xvi's name on the ring. those rings are removed from the pope when he dies or in this case for the first time in 600 years, when he retires. the ring will be destroyed and a new ring will be created for the new pope when he is elected. allen pizzey is in st. peter's
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square for us. allen? >> reporter: scott, another interesting thing. you mentioned the ring. there's also the papal seal which is identical to the ring of the fisherman. that seal is a traditional thing, the thing you used to see in old movies where you seal the letter so you proved it was from you. the papal seal goes on anything from the pope. that seal will be defaced, scratched so that it can't be used as a proper seal. that will be done in the presence of the cardinals who will vote in the conclave so they know i guess, that everything of the old pope is gone and they are truly electing a new one. it's a tradition that goes back hundreds, and hundreds and hundreds of years. it's always been done. i guess you could say it's to prevent fraud, scott. >> the pope is driving through the smallest country on earth, of course. the vatican is a nation in its own right, but it would take about 20 minutes to walk across it. there is the italian military
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helicopter preparing to take the pope on a very short flight about 15 minutes away to the summer residence in the hills south of rome. as the pope gets out of the car, we are expecting him to be greeted by cardinal sodano who is -- that is cardinal sodano there in the cap. he is the dean of the college of cardinals. created some controversy back in 2010 when he described those who criticized the church as dealing in petty gossip. some people who felt the sex abuse scandal was much more than that took offense, but it will be up to cardinal sodano to call the cardinals together to elect a new pope. let's listen in now.
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? in just a few moments the pope will see the vatican in the air for the last time as the leader of the world's 1.1 billion catholics. monseigneur figuerdo, director of the pontifical north american college located there in rome. monseigneur, i wonder, what do we expect next in terms of the conclave that will elect a new pope? we don't actually know a date when that will begin yet. >> no, not at all. the cardinals will begin their meeting next monday morning, 9:30. one meeting 3:00 in the afternoon, the second meeting. those congregations will go on as long as is needed. i've spoken to a number of the cardinals, and they really want the issues to be laid there on the table, the issues regarding the transmission of the message
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of christ but also the difficulties that have been encountered in these years at the vatican particularly the leaks, the vati leaks, particularly the sexual abuse scandals particularly as well who governs the church. so i think it's going to be a very, very interesting few days, and in those meetings scott, the man will emerge. they go into the sistine chapel already knowing who that man is and groups will begin forming behind certain figures who in those meetings prove themselves. this is the kind of person who can lead the church, who is a man of god that has the qualities in these times. so it's a very very important and key moment. i remember working in that very hall where they will be meeting and it's just fascinating,
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wonderful to see the candidates who will emerge. will it be someone from asia? will it be someone from south america? will it be one of the american cardinals? or will they want someone from the vatican curia who knows well the situation of the church here in rome? last time round, scott i think cardinal rat zinger emerged. in this particular conclave there is no clear front-runner. someone is going to have to emerge. >> and, monseigneur, we heard pope benedict today urge the cardinals to be like an orchestra and harmonize in choosing a new pope. it's my understanding that there has to be a 2/3 vote. is that correct? there has to be unity? >> norah, there does have to be
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that 2/3 plus one vote, so -- and that unity does come about. we saw that last time round. there were two main figures who emerged, cardinal rats singzinger and a cardinal from buenos aires. there are disagreements, there are different candidates at the beginning, but the greatness of this conclave is that the cardinals get behind one man. >> we understand that the pope just tweeted from the helicopter in latin thank you for your love and support. a dead language in the most modern form of communication.
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>> there is the pope's helicopter departing the vatican and now flying over the streets of rome. mark phillips has a nice view of this from st. peter's square. mark? >> reporter: yes, scott. i had a very nice view. i hope this gets out of the way in a minute. a very completely unprecedented moment here. the pope not just leaving the vatican, resigning as we keep saying, by leaving via helicopter. the first time a pope of course, has done that well for a final time while still in office, which he will be for, as you say, a few more hours in rome. the crowd that has gathered on the square, again, not knowing exactly what they would see, in fact rose up in a great cheer and applause as the helicopter did a little loop over the square and pulled off into the distance. also significantly this time the bells you can hear tolling in the background. that normally happens, the full
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peel of bells in st. peter's square is normally the signal for the election of a new pope. there are protocols as to which bells ring when. this full chorus of bells is usually reserved for only that kind of moment. again, they're making this up as they go along. a pope departing the vatican a full peel of bells serenading the crowd that has gathered here to see him off. it is an extraordinary moment the first time in over about 600 years since that has happened. and a crowd probably pretty happy that it came out to see it. >> we now have a fuller translation, mark of the pope's last tweet which came as he was on board the helicopter. he tweeted in latin but the english translation is thank you for your love and support. may you always experience the joy that comes from putting christ at the center of your lives. yesterday the pope talked about the joys of his office but also suggested there had been dark times, saying that there were
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times when it appeared the lord was asleep, apparently a reference to the book of luke when jesus is sleeping on the boat in the sea of galilee with the apostles and the storm comes up. the apostles wake him to tell him that they are all going to drown, and the lord stands according to the gospel, and calms the waters and asks the apostles, where is your faith? the pope making a turn around vatican city. there's the tiger river as it coarses through rome. we have delia gallagher, a long-time reporter covering the vatican and a person who personally knew cardinal ratzinger before he became pope. delia tell us a little bit about the rest of the day. what happens next? >> well in the next few hours, of course, we still do have a pope once he arrives at castel gandolfo. he will give a brief address to the people who are there and who are used to seeing him during
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the summer and then 8:00 local time is the moment in which the pope becomes the pope emeritus in which he will take off all of the trappings of pope, as it were including the ring the red shoes which we talked about will be exchanged for a pair of simple moccosins. he will continue to be dressed in white. he can be called your holiness. the idea is he will be hidden from the world. i don't think we will see a whole lot of him from this moment on. >> delia, we heard from cardinal dolan earlier that said many of the cardinals want a pope with management capabilities someone who can govern. who are some of the favorites that have emerged this early on or is it still too soon before the general congregation has begun? >> well, i think the media can only talk about favorites.
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certainly the cardinals are thinking about it if they're not naming any names. there are some very good cardinals right here at the curia, so if managerial questions are important, they certainly have those options. and that doesn't mean that they have to be european, because there are very good african cardinals and latin american cardinals who have long experience at the vatican and, indeed, i think that's going to be extremely important, as is somebody who is very capable at communicating. i mean i think we saw with pope benedict that you have to be a person who is willing in this modern papacy to speak to the world and enjoy doing that, and that will also be, i think, a top priority in the decision making for the next pope. >> it's been an amazing thing to watch the pope's helicopter flying over the eternal city. we saw a little while ago the helicopter fly over hadrian's arch and also the coliseum. a remarkable view as we watch
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this and hear the bells peeling all across rome this morning. now the pope is making a very short flight. it'll take about 15 minutes or so to the town of castel gandolfo which has been for many, many years centuries in fact, the summer residence of popes. it is in the hills south of rome and it is one of the most beautiful towns in all of italy right there on the lake albino. and it is a wonderful place to escape to in the summertime when it is so hot in rome. the pope will be there for at least a couple of months while his apartment back at the vatican are renovated. he will be living out the rest of his life in a monastery at the vatican. as he said earlier, as norah o'donnell reported, he told
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cardinals that he will be living a life of obedience to the new pope and living a life of prayer and reflection. alan pizzey is our veteran rome correspondent. he's been covering papal transitions for many, many years. i wonder allen, can you give us a little bit of a view of castel gandolfo where the pope is headed now? >> reporter: scott it's a wonderful place to go to get a break from everything. it has glorious views. you can see the sea. the air is fresh. castel gandolfo's property is a triangular shape, 135 acres. it has vegetable gardens, fruit trees, olive trees. in fact, the gardens have supplied the papal kitchens for a long long time. in 1596 and 30 years later benedict once told someone that it was a place that was good for his soul to be.
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so it's a very well-protected place, a place where he can walk around the gardens and not be bothered by anyone. interestingly until 8:00 tonight in rome time he will have two swiss guards standing at the door. the swiss guard are the people you see in colorful uniforms. they have guarded the pope for years. they're all trained swiss soldiers who have done their swiss national army service, but at 8:00 the doors will close they will turn and walk away because the pope is no longer entitled to their protection but, of course he will get protection. that will be provided both by the vatican's young army and italian state police protection. one of the reasons that he's going there and then staying in the vatican, apart from the many reasons of being in seclusion, is security. the pope is a target. he'll always have security. castel gandolfo is a secure place. the vatican will be more secure. >> norah o'donnell, we were
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seeing several beautiful scenes of the papal residence at castel gandolfo. we watch the helicopter headed in that direction. this has been a visual feast. it's been quite a production that the vatican has put on. >> that's right. these television images are provided by vatican tv. some 19 high definition cameras carefully choreographed so that we can see this historic moment. and along with that production value, too, even the pope tweeting, as you mentioned in latin, certainly a dead language as you put it in a new media, but exactly what this church is aiming to do. and while there are some 1.2 billion members of the catholic church, there is acknowledgment about a failure to reach young people around the world to join the catholic movement. and so that is why you see sort of this very carefully orchestrated moment here as we mark the end of pope benedict's relatively short tenure. >> one of our commentators this
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morning is joining us again monseigneur anthony figuerdo. he's part of the north american college located in rome. monseigneur figuerdo what are the challenges facing the man who will be elected pope over the next few weeks? >> i think the main challenge, scott, is very clear. we have a message but we need to get that message to people who have questions in their lives. i think of economic questions i think of moral questions, i think of questions facing marriage, family life. if we don't get that message across in a meaningful way, the church itself becomes a dead lesson. so that's the first challenge. the second challenge that the next pope faces is truly to find leaders here in rome in the
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vatican curia, and, indeed, throughout the world. those who are able to bring people back to the church. you know in many countries the numbers of catholics are diminishing and yet we do have something to offer people. i really believe they are the two main challenges. it's interesting listening to the bells. it's really an emotional moment for us. the next time we hear these bells ringing with sus lch lustre are when a new pope is elected and he appears here behind us. it will be very exciting. yes, norah? >> monseigneur as those cardinals gather in that congregation to discuss a new pope, how much do you think they will want someone who can help with the reform of the church and deal with some of the hard things that need to be dealt with with the sex abuse scandal?
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>> i think this is very much on their mind, certainly in the united states a process has been set up, a process that is definitive and is just. people who are victims of the sexual abuse crisis really need to be accompanied not only with monetary justice but they need to be cared for. and those who have committed these terrible terrible crimes even once is far too many for the church. so we need to be sure that justice is always meted out to those who have committed such crimes. the next pope will have this very much on his mind. fortunately, the cases emerging now, norah, are much much fewer. and i really believe that the next pope will want to clear out of the church anyone who
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possibly can in any way abuse children. that is not the place for them in the roman catholic church. >> delia gallagher with "inside the vatican" magazine. delia, half the cardinals electing the pope were the cardinals who gave us benedict xvi, a very conservative pope. the other half of the cardinals are cardinals who were appointed by benedict xvi. what are the chances that this college of cardinals is going to elect a change agent, somebody who wants to bring the church forward into this new century? >> well i think all of the cardinals want to bring the church forward into the new century, the question is how do they want to go about doing that. and what we're seeing today really is kind of the end of an era because with benedict xvi and john paul ii before him, they were the intellectual powerhouses, if you want of the
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catholic church the ones to really participate in the vatican and now i think the playing field is kind of wide open to take the church into the future, but it doesn't necessarily need to be done by a huge intellectual. it can be done by somebody who is good at management and at communication. >> delia the catholic scholars that i've spoken with as well say that this may not be about age. there are apparently only five cardinals who are in their 50s. this may end up being about a voting block. i know i asked you this a bit earlier, but my understanding is that 28 of the cardinals are from italy and, of course some 60 or more from europe. how likely is it that there may be an italian pope? that was always the tradition for some 400 years before we had pope john paul, of course who was polish and then pope benedict who was german? >> yeah i think an italian is
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quite likely. there's no reason why one should be biased against the italians just because they've had the papacy for the longest amount of time. again, i think really they are going to be looking at the character of the person and certainly there are some strong italian and european candidates. i do think age is going to play a factor because before with john paul ii they wanted somebody who maybe wasn't too young so we didn't have a very long pontificate. now we're looking at somebody who may be a bit younger which in terms of cardinals can mean 70 years old. i think that they might be looking at that as well considering that benedict is partially renouncing the papacy for his frailty so age will play a part in this. >> the sound that you are hearing behind delia and the commentators is the sound of the campadome. the next time we will hear that
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as monseigneur figuerdo tells us, the next time will be when a pope has been elected. the pope's helicopter is approaching the landing site in the small italian town of castel gandolfo. the pope will remain pope for about another 2 1/2 hours, until 2:00 eastern time a time that he chose, which will be about 8:00 p.m. his time. the stone domes are so characteristic of this part of italy.
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>> the pope's italian military helicopter has now landed in the hills 15 miles south of rome at the pope's summer residence where he will stay for a couple of months or so while his apartments in the vatican are renovated. they have to create a new place for him to live because there
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hasn't been a pope emeritus, a retired pope in 600 years, and no one was expecting it now until just a few days ago. the papal spokesman a few minutes ago hinted at -- this is not confirmation, but he hinted at the conclave beginning on monday, the 11th. that is not official, but there has been a great deal of discussion about when the conclave would begin. there is a set procedure for that when the pope dies but there was no procedure for that for a pope retiring so there has been a great deal of debate about when the conclave would begin. we are hearing at this moment that it may be as early as monday, the 11th. again, no official word.
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allen pizzey is back at st. peter's square for us. allen? >> reporter: scott monseigneur chile, the head of the vatican communications department, he hinted, he did hint that, yes indeed, monday the 11th could be the starting date. a lot of people have been betting on the 10th because the feeling is that they would go into conclave after sunday mass vote once on the sunday and then start the serious business again on monday. but the 11th sounds about what we've been thinking because every cardinal i've spoken to has said look, there are a lot of us from a lot of different places. the cardinals represent more than 50 countries, and each individual nation, each individual area has its own particular problems for the church. while they may know vaguely, an american cardinal may know about problem in the philippines, say, he doesn't really know everything he needs to know in order to choose a pope who can oversee the entire catholic church. so they need five or six days to
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talk, but after that they pretty much have a good idea of what they want. then when they go into the conclave, that's when they do less talking more thinking more praying. and if you figure they're going to start the congregations on the 4th then the 11th sounds like a pretty good day because they'll all have to have their say, then they get down to business and they need to get home in time for easter. they need a pope for easter. >> norah o'donnell? >> allen, we know for several months as scott mentioned, the pope emeritus, as he will soon be, will stay at castel gandolfo, then he will return to this convent, this 8,000 square foot convent to live in vatican city with the new pope. is there any talk about having two popes together in the vatican city whether that will create any conflict or concern? >> reporter: there's a lot of talk and concern about it but benedict has made it very clear he has no intention of doing anything other than to obey the new pope. he's not going to make any
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public pronouncements. i think you could reasonably assume that the new pope wouldn't mind having a few conversations with him now and again. i'm sure a lot of information they could exchange. u.s. presidents, even if they're from different parties, once they're out of office they meet with the new president not even on a bipartisan basis but as two men have done a job that only they can understand because they've done it. i think the same would apply to a pope. so what new pope wouldn't want some advice from a great intellectual who has been there before? if nothing else you can find someone who would truly sympathize with the problems that you have. i don't think that benedict will interfere, but i would be very surprised if the new pope didn't talk to the old pope norah. >> mark phillips is in st. peter's square where i understand, mark the crowd can still see the pope even from 15 or so miles away? >> reporter: yes. they have excellent vision here. they also have the help of several large television monitors that have been set up
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in the square because of course, none of the events of today took place in the square but, rather on the grounds of the vatican in the guardarden and the papal amounts. there was a crowd in the low thousands gathering on the square not knowing exactly what they would see. they were very gratified because the pope flew over the square not once but twice. a half circle and big loop over vatican city and in a southerly direction over rome towards castel gandolfo. it's almost as if people don't know what they're supposed to do next. they've come here to witness this historic event, the departure of a living pope. they're watching him as he arrives at castel gandolfo. he will say a few words from the balcony to a crowd gathered in the square there as well but in another sense, in the sense of the what next sense what happens now we're now in the period that everybody was anticipating and that nobody in the vatican or through the catholic church around the world
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really knows quite what to do with. the cardinals will meet, as people have been saying, in this general congregation. they will discuss the issues facing the church. that will in some way lead toward a discussion of who will be the best man to face those issues. they're doing very much what the legacy left behind by this not terribly long but very unusual papacy in terms of, of course, how it ended in the unprecedence of this modern unprecedented way of a resignation. the two legacy issues that you people talk about here are the two a's, are the abuse scandal, of course, involving members of the catholic clergy and children all over the world for that matter but also the question of vatican administration which has been touched on as well, that benedict was perceived as a pope very much interested in cerebral thoughts spiritualism, a scholar and was not that much interested, as it must be said
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john paul ii himself wasn't in the latter stages of his papacy in the administration of what's called the curia here, the administration of the vatican. it's not a big place, but there's never a dull moment. a lot happens in it. right now it's thought to be in some ways a little bit out of control, that cliques have formed financial improprieties have taken place somebody needs to grab a handle on administering a church in the way that a ceo administers a company, but, of course there has to be different characteristics. the dominant feature everybody will look for is, of course the idea of faith and the idea of communicating and transmitting that sense of faith through the catholic church as well. so we're now in the period that everybody was anticipating, fearing a little bit, and they're now fumbling around trying to decide just how to deal with it. the cardinals will get to grips with that. they'll also have to get to grips with when, of course they
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call the conclave. >> mark thank you very much. with the pope, as you can see has arrived at the summer residence after a drive through spectacular gardens in this most beautiful part of italy. delia gallagher is in st. peter's square for us the senior editor of "inside the vatican" magazine. delia, the pope will have some remarks from the summer residence here and they are likely to be -- it is likely to be the last time we're going to see him as pope. >> yes it will. it will be the last time in public as pope before the doors close at 8:00 and he officially becomes the pope emeritus. it's a simple greeting to the people of castel gandolfo. it's a place he goes every summer and indeed a place he holds his audiences during the summer months. the people there are also waiting to say good-bye to their
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pope. pope as you can see. it's been a day for formal good-byes for the pope before he goes and hides away from the world. >> delia, one of the final absolute of pope benedict was to meet with three cardinals who have authored the vati leaks report. what happens with that report now? >> well the pope himself has said that that will be a report reserved for the new pope and it's believed to be a report that looks into exactly what happened when those documents were stolen from his desk and what were the contents of all of the documents and who was behind it. i think that that was part of his effort to clean up the curia, try to get a bit of transparency and a handle on the problem which, indeed is very large and goes back centuries, frankly.
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so i think the report will go some way towards helping the new pope understand exactly what is the nature of the factions in the vatican and what happens during that vati leak scandal. >> this is the courtyard where the pope will be making his final remarks. that's lake albano. this is one of the most beautiful places in italy, a country filled with beautiful places but this is where popes have come for centuries to escape the heat of rome in the summertime. and as you can see the papal residence there is on the highest point in the town. a very enthusiastic crowd has filled the square below where the pontiff will be making his final remarks. let's just listen in to this for a moment.
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>> flags from many nations flying. many people have come for this historic moment. this will be the moment that the public will see him as pope for the last time. just a little less now than 2 1/2 hours left in his papacy. i am told that we just heard the crowd chanting in italian, we are all with you and god bless you. the pope sent out a tweet from his helicopter as he was lifting off from the vatican helipad. the tweet which was written in latin, said essentially god bless you all and may you keep christ at the center of your hearts.
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allen pizzey in st. peter's square. allen, what are we expecting to happen here when the pope walks out where you can see the flag there hanging from the side of the building? he will stand over that flag and what do we expect to happen next? >> reporter: scott, it will look much like his sunday evangelist. he raises his arms and smiles and waives. he's expected to make a short speech. i don't think he will make any great statements. he won't put that as a lasting perimeter of his papacy. he won't do anything earth shaking. he'll say thank you very much. he will bless the crowd, and then after taking a few more what passes for a bow, i suppose, waive to the crowd, turn and simply walk away. he will just fade from sight and that will be the last we will
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see from him except possibly sometime months, maybe years from now they'll release pictures of him perhaps walking around the vatican gardens outside the restored convent where he's living but we won't see or hear from him in any formal way after he turns away from that window scott. >> norah o'donnell, the pope did something earlier this morning that no pope has done in 600 years. he actually had an opportunity to speak to the cardinals who will elect his successor. what did he say to those cardinals today? what advice did he leave them with if any? >> he asked them to act like an orchestra and work in unity to choose a new successor for him, and he also pledged his obedience to the new pope. i spoke with cardinal george of chicago who said this was a very emotional moment as they were there inside clementine hall. as you see this picture here is when he was walking out to greet people, but that's what makes
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this whole moment so unusual. as one catholic scholar said to me, scott, his legacy will certainly be some of the things he did over the past 17 years but also his legacy will be his resignation. >> let's watch as he walks out to the crowd assembled below. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> translator: dear friends, i am happy to be with you surrounded by the beauty of creation and by your sympathy which feels very good. thank you for your friendship for your affection. [ cheers and applause ] >> translator: you know that this day of mine are different from all the previous ones. i am no longer the pope of the catholic church. i will only be that until 8:00 tonight. i am just a pilgrim who is starting the last step of his
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pilgrimage on this earth. [ cheers and applause ] >> translator: i would like still with my heart with my love, with my prayers, with my thinking with all of my strength to work for the common good for the good of the church and of mankind and i feel supported by your affection and sympathy. we will proceed forward for the good of the church and of the world. thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] >> translator: you have my blessings. may god be blessed in the name of the father of the son and of the holy ghost. thank you and good knight. night to everyone. thank you.
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[ cheers and applause ]night to everyone. thank you. [ cheers and applause ]night to everyone. thank you. [ cheers and applause ]night to everyone. thank you. [ cheers and applause ]night to everyone. thank you. [ cheers and applause ]night to everyone. thank you. [ cheers and applause ]night to everyone. thank you. [ cheers and applause ]night to everyone. thank you. [ cheers and applause ]ight to everyone. thank you. [ cheers and applause ]night to everyone. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> with time running out on his papacy, that we expect is the last time that benedict xvi will be seen by a crowd in public. prominent in that picture as we saw him make his final remarks was the ring of the fisherman which bears benedict xvi's name and also an image of saint peter. saint peter being the first pope of the church, of course, one of christ's apostles and a fisherman. that ring in 2:18 will be taken from the pope and it will be
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destroyed. when a new pope is named, a new fisherman's ring will be created with his name on it, a symbol of the power of the papacy and the beginning of a new era in the church. allen pizzey in st. peter's square that was a short and sweet good-bye. >> reporter: it was, indeed scott. i think very typical of the man. what i found interesting was watching the crowd and listening to them. they were all heart felt cheers and warmth coming from them. i harkened back to the end of john paul ii papacy when they were chanting sainthood now. obviously you can't make a living man a saint, but benedict is viewed in a different way. i think he was viewed initially with a bit of trepidation. he was god's enforcer of the doctrine of the faith.
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he slowly grew on people. he was a very shy man. it took him a while. some spent a lot of time with him and knew him before he realized what he had to do to reach out to people. it wasn't -- didn't come naturally to him, but he learned how to do it. he knew he had to. he grew into the role. i think in the end there was a lot of warmth felt for benedict. people did really appreciate him. what he did just this last week or so it seemed by i think everyone, whether you're catholic or not you have to see it as an incredibly brave move. he must have searched his soul. you imagine that a man who takes the job that he took believes that he must serve this job -- his role must be forever to the fullness of his being. then to admit, to say i can't do this in the way i need to do it. i cannot do it in the way the god i believe in wants me to do it, needs me to do it had the courage to step aside with all the implications for the church
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a place of tradition bound over centuries of the two millennia was an incredibly brave thing to do. i think a lot of people respect that. a lot of people say the lesson for few heads of states and ceos. he was both of those things. i think that it was interesting for me to watch the warmth that came out towards him and also to see him as a much more relaxed person. i've been up close to him a few times on papal trips. he always looked tense and often tired. now he looks like a man who's content and now he's gone in effect. so it was a very interesting time to watch, scott. >> perhaps an enormous sense of relief for benedict xvi. monseigneur anthony figuerdo is the director of the pontifical north american college located in rome. monseigneur, as you saw the pope turn and walk away from the crowd, walk away from his papacy, what were you thinking?
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>> i was thinking very much what i was thinking when john paul ii died. we are left and we will now pray that god gives us another good holy father. you know john paul ii's greatest gift was his serenity in suffering. that was the greatest pulpit he ever prepared from. i believe humility is the greatest pulpit that benedict xvi has prepared from. he said to me once benedict things done with humility have the lasting effect have the greatest lasting effect. i believe he knows that in his heart. a courageous, novel decision but he's taken it also strategically in order that we are given a good pope to lead us now into the future. it's a sad moment for us but we now look forward to a new holy father. >> monseigneur anthony figuerdo director of the north american
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pontifical college. thank you very much, monseigneur. it is coming up on 6:00 p.m. in rome. we saw a beautiful shot of the sun setting in castel gandolfo. we see the long shadows of the early evening coming across st. peter's square. nor norah, i wonder as you watched this for the first time in 600 years, it was an amazing moment in history, what did you think as you thought of this pope leaving the papacy. >> incredibly historic. it was a short nearly eight year tenure that was dogged by scandal, called for change and very difficult moments with the sex abuse scandal. but he ended this saying just there, i am simply a pilgrim who is ending his pass on this earth. the next chapper will be written by many cardinals who will start next week choosing the next pope. >> yesterday the pope talked about how there had been joy and light in his papacy but also
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difficult times times he described as being when the lord was asleep and, clearly, this is a man who has some joy and some burden off of his shoulders at this point. norah, thank you very much for being here. this was an extraordinary moment for catholics all around the world who believe that the pope is christ's representative on earth and it comes with powerful symbolism. just as catholics believe christ ascended in heaven on ascension on thursday, on this thursday they watched as his representative ascended into the skies over rome officially ending his rein. so benedict xvi has left the vatican for the last time as supreme pontiff of the roman catholic church. the 265th successor of saint peter. at 2:00 eastern time about two hours from now, the chair of saint peter will be officially vacant, and while it is the cardinals will be in charge of the church.
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they will be meeting soon to decide exactly when next month to begin the conclave to elect a new pope. norah, charlie rose and i will all be in rome to bring you live coverage of the conclave and the announcement and introduction of the new pope. there will be a lot more about all of this today on your local news on this cbs station and, of course, right here on the cbs evening news. and then first thing tomorrow don't miss our coverage on "cbs this morning" with nora, charlie, and gayle king. until then i'm scott pelley. i'll see you later on the "cbs evening news." >> announcer: for news 24 hours 4 . have -- do you play? >> i've always wanted a piano and i always wanted to >> husband bought me a boston grand piano about a year ago on my birthday so my children play, but i'm still trying to learn. >> i bought one not playing, and the idea of having people come -- this is at our summer house -- come and play just sit at the piano and just start
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playing is just remarkably sort of makes it just. >> christmas carols. >> and he was a great guy. st. worth, it ft. worth, texas, is where he was from. and he was so humble about the remarkable gifts he had. coming back in this great ticker tape parade and then the international festival took place at st. worth and what he there for that and really an american superstar. >> yeah, not just a great pianist. he played on the world stage in 1958 in moscow at the height of the cold war and russians were taken with him and it's amazing to think about when he came back to the united states, there was a ticker tape parade on broadway where more than 100,000 people turned out to see him. world figure. >> indeed. and something that we used to have at the state department ambassadors of goodwill. people like van cliven would go around the world, in a sense, as a part of the best of american culture. >> all right. you are watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back.
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g." we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ i'm really looking forward to going to rome. this is a great and important and interesting story. >> very interesting. 1.2 billion catholics interested in who will be the new pope as
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well as others. and cardinal george telling us today they have been talking amongst themselves, could it be a short conclave. >> and an important time for the 97
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with your k-p-i-x fi >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good morning, it's 8:55. i'm michelle griego with your kpix 5 news headlines. some santa cruz police officers may take more time on to mourn two officers gunned down on tuesday. later this morning, the department will have more information about the killings. clean-up continues from the massive water break in san francisco's inner parkside district. the pipe ruptured yesterday morning. 23 homes and 12 cars were damaged. no word yet on what caused the 61-year-old pipe to break. the city is now offering financial help for the victims. uptown oakland's first friday event will continue despite a fatal shooting at the
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last celebration. that's when one person was killed and three others were injured. the next first friday is tomorrow. officials say the event will be scaled down for safety. and now here's lawrence with the forecast. >> all right. michelle, what an afternoon we are going to see around the bay area. what a day ahead! lots of sunshine, just a few high clouds overhead into san jose we go. a little hazy there and you see a couple of clouds in the distance. temperatures starting out fairly mild this morning. mainly in the 40s and 50s. by the afternoon, it is going to be a gorgeous day with above- normal temperatures. 60s, even some low 70s. i think tomorrow will be the peak of the heat. mid-70s by then, partly cloudy on the weekend, showers overnight saturday night into sunday. a better chance of rain for everybody late next tuesday and into wednesday. we're going to check your "timesaver traffic" coming up next.
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good morning. caltrain kind of a mess this morning. we have seen delays northbound and southbound because of one train, had some mechanical service problems. and now we're seeing delays anywhere from 10 minutes to up to an hour. bart, muni and caltrain pretty much back on time. bart may have some slight residual delays. elsewhere, checking other bay area roads, new traffic alert issued eastbound 580 approaching central avenue.
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